Jan 30, 2016
Our guest today is the nationally recognized resume expert, Jessica Holbrook Hernandez . Jessica is President of Great Resumes Fast and a former human resources manager and recruiter. Leveraging more than ten years’ experience directing hiring practices for Fortune 500 companies, Jessica has developed proprietary,...
Jan 17, 2016
His name is Tim Sackett, he is the president of HRU Technical Resources, an engineering and IT staffing firm based in Michigan. He’s also a dad and, according to his blog, a backup point guard for his over 40 men’s team. Tim is also a prolific blogger in the recruiting industry and he’s full of opinions and...
Jan 4, 2016
This show is all about practical and tactical job search advice and today we’ll talking with the authors of Modernize Your Resume: Get noticed...Get Hired Joining me via skype are Master Resume Writers Wendy Enelow and Louise Kursmark. We'll talk about the resume business and discuss: What distinguishes a “modern”...