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Breaking Work

May 31, 2009

Career Coach Laura Labovich joins us to give a basic tutorial on how to use LinkedIn for 1st time job seekers.

May 25, 2009

In the news this month: WiHire, Inside Job Facebook App, Tweetmyjobs, ResuneBear,, Mindopia, Survey of recruitment advertising effectiveness.

May 14, 2009

Our pal Jason Alba stops by and gives us a few Linkedin tips including how build up your network and how to use the status update field.

May 13, 2009

Listen to 4 resume writers/career coaches talk about all things career. Featuring Donna Sweidan, Wendy Enelow, Louise Kursmark and Carmen Croonquist.

May 12, 2009

Fresh off his keynote to the CMA audience Peter Weddle talks about todays job market.