Dec 24, 2014
In this special episode you'll learn the seven best job sites for veterans. Get your civilian career in gear with this short, timely podcast exclusively for military veterans. Thanks for ALL you do!
Dec 14, 2014
In the last episode of the year Chris Russell is joined by Hannah Morgan and they'll take you through all the important events and trends that shaped the 2014 job market. Get ready for the next job hunting season with this important look at what happened including key takeaways that you can use in your 2015 job search.
Nov 30, 2014
Think your'e bragging too much or too little in your job search? This podcast will help you figure out what the right balance is.
Nov 15, 2014
As a career stylist, Kelly Studer has helped professionals leave their ill-fitting work lives behind. Her philosophy is: If you want to get out of a career rut, you need to dive into the core of what you want to do and how you want to feel at work. Today she'll help you deconstruct your job search by helping you write...
Nov 1, 2014
Hannah Morgan discusses her new book, The Infographic Resume. In this 25 minute podcast we'll look at the visual trends shaping the resume market. Today's job seeker needs to stand out and by crafting a visually appealing resume you can do just that.